Fees are payable over 11 months and 50% in December.
This is for FIRST TIME children only and secures the child’s place at Little LINC.
A deposit and administration fee of R1500, which is non-refundable is required when applying for placement at Little LINC.
Fees Overview
16 months to 24 months (Must be walking)
3 Days: R2900.00
4 Days: R3150.00
5 Days: R3250.00
This fee includes the MUSIC BOX program and excludes SUNDRY items and EXCURSIONS.
2 to 3 years (Turning 3)
5 days only: R3150.00
This fee includes the MUSIC BOX program and excludes STATIONERY and EXCURSIONS.
Gr 000 (turning 4)
5 days only: R3150.00
This fee includes the MUSIC BOX program and excludes BALL SKILLS, STATIONERY and EXCURSIONS.
Gr 00 (turning 5)
5 days only: R3150.00
This fee includes the MUSIC BOX program and excludes BALL SKILLS, STATIONERY and EXCURSIONS.
Gr R (turning 6)
5 days only: R3400.00
This fee includes the MUSIC BOX program and excludes BALL SKILLS, STATIONERY and EXCURSIONS.